OHAI! yes! it's me, I'm popping in to blog for the first time in, ahem, over a year, ahem. I guess I got busy and distracted, and blogging has not been top of my list of things to do. Everything is great here. Since going back to work (coincidentally, the last time I blogged was just around the time I returned to work) I've been pretty busy, and generally pretty happy about it. I'm really just chronicling my knitting at ravelry, flickring and occasional facebooking and other stuff. I moved to a bigger and better apartment over the holidays. Oh, and still I'm selling bags in my etsy shop.
Speaking of the shop, this is the reason for this erratic post, I decided today, in line with the amazing pattern sellers on rav doing "Help for Haiti" donations, that 50% of my bag sales will go directly to Save the Children until January 31st. Save the Children has worked in Haiti for 25 years with 100 staff on the ground. Will be providing food, water, shelter and child-friendly spaces. Because Save the Children's offices did not suffer the structural damage of other non-governmental organizations, other aid workers have taken refuge in the agency's compound, where operations are being run out of offices and tents (quoted directly from Charity Navigator)
So. If you've been debating about buying a cube recently, this could not be a better time to buy one, come on over and see if there are any that take your fancy.
For those of you who don't already know, you can find out when the shop is updated with new items either through following me on twitter, or subscribing to the shop's rss feed.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Remember Me?
2:55 PM
Tags: bags, cubes, etsy, Haiti, help for Haiti, shop, where have I been?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Me Knits?
I've not a lot of time before my head hits the keyboard in a full-on sleep, however, I really wanted to post a couple of "me knits" (no longer are they to be called selfish knits in the Schrodinger household, there's already enough guilt involved in being a Mum without the guilt of 'selfish' knitting). Both took very little time to knock out, both were a pleasure to knit (hence the speedy knitting) and both are going to get great use.
First of all we have the Ilean cowl. I had some malabrigo and had started a cabled hat of my own design, it turned out too small, so I ripped and gave up, and then decided that I didn't actually need another cabled hat, I needed a cowl instead. I adapted this to add a button band and buttons, just to make things easier on putting it on or off when wearing headphones :) Details on Ravelry.

After seeing Maya's stunningly beautiful FLS, a bunch of spiders have decided to jump on the February Lady Sweater bandwagon by doing a little, unofficial knitalong. I was not for it at first, stating that I just didn't "have the time" but then kept seeing FLS's in progress, and I caved. Out came a webs gift certificate and before I knew it, I had an FLS (according to ravelry, this knit only took me 20 days).

Like so many people before me, I adore this sweater, I love the color and fit and style. I'm thinking I will feel even more comfortable if/when my "lady bits" decrease a little in size.

I'm too lazy to post details here when I already pumped them into ravelry, so you'll need to go there if you want that info.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The Blue Dress

So I hinted that there was a lovely handknit for Baby E made by my Mum, her Grandma. It's a cute, blue dress. I ADORE this dress, it's so pretty, and I'm looking forward to when Baby E can fit in it and can model it. In the meantime, here's some pictures to keep you going.

I have no idea what pattern it is (Mum?) but I reckon I'm making a good guess that it's German.

I said this dress deserves it's own post, so that's all you're getting. Well, except that you should check out the shop, I'm celebrating my second year on Etsy (as a buyer initially). As of tomorrow, until the end of the month I'm offering FREE SHIPPING to the US and Canada, yes, you read that correctly, FREE SHIPPING in the US and Canada. The rest of the world is also getting just $1 shipping - how cool is that?! So, stop by and take advantage of the offer now at schrodinger.etsy.com
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Turtle-y fun
Baby E had her first Halloween - to be honest I think it went by pretty much unnoticed by her (we'll see if that happens next year). But as her parents, we had fun dressing her up in the costume that Grandma bought for her (cute huh?), and taking her out to see friends in a bar in the city (yeah, bad parents I know) for a couple of hours. Much as it was tempting to, we did not use her to procure candy for our own sweet tooth needs - there were plenty of other parents out there doing that ;)

Yeah, nothing handmade here... this year.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The obligatory Rhinebeck post.
Okay, so my third time at Rhinebeck was such a different year for me, leaving behind my 8 week old child in the care of the incredibly capable Mr B. I caught a ride upstate with gleek (oh! and I've been meaning to mention, you should check our her new project, a new online magazine called Popknits, it's incredibly cool!) and Nancy, it was a beautiful day and I had a great time. Although I didn't get to meet many fellow bloggers (besides the spiders, of course, and Maryse [edited to add this info, sorry Maryse - it was great to meet you irl!) I was so happy to be out among the adults. I don't have an amazing haul to show you - in fact I've barely got a thing to show except the cool mug and yarn I bought from the last stand I went to.

I *love* this mug, I use it every day, now that my Mum (and lack of reflux) has helped my tea addiction come back in full swing. The [supersoft, lovely] yarn is most likely going to be used for some fair-isle mittens.
I don't have much in the way of knitting to show you this time, just a hat that I'm trying design - it's Malabrigo, which I also bought when upstate, from Fabulous Yarn we stopped in the village of Tivoli, NY for dinner before the Rav Party. The lady saw our desperate, yarn hungry faces peering in the window (yeah the festival didn't quite sate us) and she re-opened for us! how nice. I decided that I wanted a cabled hat, but could find no pattern that caught my fancy, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I still have no clue what I'm going to do come the crown...

I have been sewing like a maniac though (well, when I get a chance) and the shop has never been so full. The reason for this? Well, apart from the huge daycare deposit and severe lack of income (aaahh, US maternity coverage is astoundingly bad) I actually have an ad running on Ravelry for November and thought I better have some bags to offer - this is VERY exciting for me.
Good news is, I have lovely bags to show for it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm Schrodinger and it's been 5 weeks since I last posted
Wow! It really is incredible how easy it is to neglect your blog and all blog reading when you have a baby. To everyone that has sent their congratulations, THANK YOU and please accept my apologies for not getting back to you. I've also neglecting blog reading, and am horrified when I see what I have to read - gulp! I have to admit, that it's not just the baby that kept me away, but also a new addiction... microblogging through twitter. My Mum also came to visit (Dad needed to stay back in Austria while they finish up renovations on their vacation apartments). Mum brought a ton of gifts for baby E, from them as well as other family over in the UK, one thing I had to share with you is this adorable sheep.

She also brought with her a stunning handknit dress that she had made, but that's going to wait for another time and it's own, special post :)
So, you can imagine there's not a huge amount of knitting going on here, but there are a few knits that Baby E has modeled so far to share with you all. I'm trying to take pictures of all the amazing handknits that Baby E has, as and when she wears them. There are still plenty more that she's yet to grow into.

I've been knitting a bit myself (although the hat is the only FO I have to show for it so far)

I'm thrilled to announce that Baby E is also able to bottle-feed, therefore I've been creating a stash of milk so that I'm free to go to Rhinebeck on Saturday - WOO HOO! Hope to see some of you there, you can distract me from buying yarn and fiber we can't afford.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
2 weeks
Wow, it's been 2 weeks since baby E first made her appearance. I want to thank everyone for their congratulatory comments, notes and emails - it's been wonderful to share our joy with so many people I don't even know :)
I did toy with the idea of sharing our birth story, it was pretty eventful for both of us - we certainly tested our amazingly wonderful midwife, and Mr B, but since it all ended well and I'm pretty private, I'm keeping those memories to myself. Instead, here's a shot of baby E and myself on the morning of her 2 week birthday, she's a bit of a blur, a combination of birthday excitement and bad camera methinks.

Also, I have some baby modeling shots to share with you. There's only a few, since baby E is wearing them as they fit her. The quality of the pictures is not so great thanks to our decent camera crapping out on us, apparently electronics don't take to swimming in half a bottle of Gatorade. We've ordered a new point and shoot camera (Canon Powershot Elph SD750)
First up are a pair of socks from Maya (link to her ravelry info).

Next we have the Baby Leaf Hat (ravelry) which I knit, but don't remember blogging about. This was a perfect accessory to wear when leaving the hospital.

I have more, but I'm going to save them since I'm probably not going to have much knitting to show you for a while (and baby E is demanding more attention). I think I've knit 1 round on 2 pair of socks since baby E joined us.
3:53 PM
Tags: Baby E, finished objects
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
She's here!
Introducing Baby E, my most ambitious FO. Born on August 24th, 2008 at 10:21am.
A shocking 8lbs 11 oz, 21.5" long of pure perfection.

Sorry for the blog update delay, we were held up at the hospital while Baby E worked on her tan. We were (finally) released and got home today.
Thank you to everyone for their well wishes and comments so far, we love reading them and apologize in advance for (potentially) dropping off the face of the earth while we drink in our new addition.