Sunday, July 20, 2008

No, not baby stuff - this time.

I've been busy finishing stuff and making bags for the shop before I pop - I reckon it's my version of nesting. I'm now at the stage where I can say, "anytime now" from now for up to the next 6 weeks, yup I'm at that 36 week mark today - YIKES!

But I didn't decide to randomly post to talk about baby stuff... this time. I just want to let you know about Earthchicks amazing raffle. The prizes are fantastic (and I'm not just saying that cos one of them includes one of my cubes), and the story behind it all is incredibly touching. A $5 donation gives you a chance to win some phenomenal prizes - hands off the fabric though, it has my name written all over it ;)

Stay tuned, I do have some yummy handmade goodies to share with you, when I have the energy to write a proper post. So what are you waiting for? Go over and donate, donate, donate!