Monday, July 17, 2006


Disaster has struck! I know it's not the end of the world, but it's pretty upsetting to me all the same. This weekend, while knitting my socks in the the cool [self] hand-dyed yarn the following 3 things happened:

1. The pattern I originally decided on was not showing the yarn the way I wanted. But, thinking I could get past that, I carried on past the instep. Trying on the sock I realized that it was waaaaay too tight for my elephantine ankles. So I spent several hours trying to find a new pattern, then frogged the 1/2 a sock I had - I was very strong, no crying for me. I cast on again for the River Rapids sock pattern by Sock-bug.

my sock! my beauuutiful sock!

2. In getting past the ankle I tried on this sock, it fits!!! Yay for me. However, half-way through the foot I look at what I have in sock, and what I have in yarn - there is no way that I have enough to finish this sock. The sock needs to be 2 (maybe even 3) inches shorter so that I will have my toes covered. I haven't had the heart to frog just yet, because...

Toeless River Rapids sock

3. During all this sock knitting I started noticing a numbness in my right ring finger. I put it down to holding the needles very tightly (the reason why avoid metal needles at all costs). It is still numb today however, and after a quick symptom check on the internet I have come to the conclusion that there is a 99% chance that I have developed Carpel Tunnel Syndrome from knitting the socks. I have to put down my knitting (certainly the dpns) for at least a week and see if the numbness goes. I could weep!

I'm a strong woman, I know think I can survive not knitting for a week without a complete breakdown, although it's going to be hard. At least I have my spinning, which has been neglected somewhat recently, and I have a little more yarn to dye - which will keep me out of trouble for a little while. I also have plenty of time to find that 'perfect' tank pattern (I'm hoping that circs will still be okay - for some reason I don't hold them as tight with a larger project).

That's enough sympathy-seeking from me. Hope you're all staying cool.